Jodhpur: A district and sessions judge, who is hearing Salman Khan’s application for bail in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, has been transferred as part of a reshuffle. Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri, who had sentenced Khan to five years in jail, has also been replaced by another magistrate.
In a late night development, Sessions Judge Ravindra Kumar Joshi was transferred to Sirohi, as per an order of the Rajasthan High Court. Chandra Kumar Songara will replace him in Jodhpur’s Sessions Court.
Joshi is among transferred by the Registrar General of the High Court. He, however, resumed hearing the actor’s bail plea on Saturday.
Salman Khan, who was on Thursday convicted by a trial court and sentenced to five years in prison in the blackbuck poaching case, has spent two nights in the Jodhpur Central Jail so far.
The district and sessions court heard arguments on the suspension of sentence and bail application on Friday before deferring the matter till Saturday.
According to legal experts, the sitting judge has a seven days to get himself relieved and if he does so, the judge can proceed with “urgent matters”.