In what came as a big relief for the film industry and the actor’s loyal fan base, Salman Khan returned to his Mumbai residence, the Galaxy Apartments on Saturday night. The actor had spent 48 hours at the Jodhpur Central Jail after being convicted in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. Several celebrities including Sonakshi Sinha, Arjun Rampal, Varun Dhawan, Sonu Sood, Subhash Ghai and Jaya Bachchan had expressed their disappointment over the verdict while still others including Daisy Shah, Jacqueline Fernandez, Ramesh Taurani, Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora among others visited Salman’s family post the verdict.
While Shah Rukh Khan hasn’t yet commented on the recent verdict, an old video has now surfaced on the internet wherein the actor is backing Salman saying that he often gets judged even before his crime is proven. “Sometimes I believe there are a lot of advantages of being a movie star but there’s also a lot of negativity. I think one of the negatives of being a celebrity is that you get judged even before your crime is proved. This has happened time and again with Salman.”
“I think by virtue of the impression that stardom that has given to people, they think they can say anything about the stars. That I think is wrong,” he says.
He further clarifies that while he is no one to comment on the Indian judiciary, he feels for Salman at a personal level. “I’m nobody and genuinely not someone who can comment on what the law is, we all respect it. But somewhere at a personal level, one feels and wishes all this did not happen to Salman.
Meanwhile, Salman reached his residence in Banda, met his family who were waiting with bated breath and then came out on the balcony to greet and wave at the thousands of frantic fans who erupted in joy at the sight of Khan wearing a smile.