While the two have never confirmed their relationship, fans and media have kept a hawk-eye on Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone for a classic game of ‘will they, won’t they?’ According to a report by Mumbai Mirror, apparently they will. The publication has announced that, according to its sources, the Bollywood A-listers are set to tie the knot sometime between September and December of 2018, with Deepika already in the process of preparing her bridal trousseau.
As earlier reported, the Singh and Padukone families met earlier this year, in January, ostensibly to celebrate Deepika’s 32nd birthday, but allegedly, marital plans were already afoot. Though it looks like the engagement rumours at the time were false, apparently, Ranveer’s parents, Anju Bhavnani and Jagjit Singh Bhavnani, gave Deepika some super expensive gifts on her birthday, including a Sabyasachi saari and a diamond set. Designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s sarees and bridal wear have, of course, become almost de rigeur for weddings of the rich and the famous.