From Karan Johar to Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt has a lot of friends in the industry, but her camaraderie with Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone is something that always grabs the attention. While we have often seen Alia openly expressing her fondness for Kat at several events and occasions, her friendship with DP came into the public eye when the Udta Punjab star went all gaga over Deepika’s look in Padmaavat.
And it now looks like Alia can’t wait to work with her gorgeous bffs. Recently, during an interaction with DNA, Alia revealed that she would like to be a part of a multi-heroine project.
“I’ve never been offered such a movie. I think we will have amazing camaraderie and it will be a fun film,” Alia said.
When asked about the heroines she would like to work with, Alia said, “Katrina is one of my closest friends, so we keep talking about doing a film. It’s the same with Deepika. It will be amazing to act in a movie with such powerful women. I’ve made a pact with Kat and DP that we will do films together.”